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What Are They?
Named after its developing brand, Lumineers are extremely thin and durable ceramic shells. Unlike veneers, Lumineers do not need any teeth preparation and are very durable yet very thin. Lumineers are not applied for all cases.

Do you want a complete makeover for your smile? Lumineers are one way to do it.

Lumineers are one of the most utilized dental correction tools available in Dubai. They can quickly and effectively correct dental deformities that otherwise require surgical treatment. Lumineers are perfect for those looking to:
  • Cover gaps between the front teeth;
  • Permanently cover stained and discolored teeth;
  • Permanently correct misaligned teeth that would otherwise require surgical treatment;
  • Get a quick fix for chipped and crooked teeth.

Why Choose Us?

There are dozens of corrective solutions in the market, but it is hard to find the one that suits your needs the best. We have more than a decade of experience in helping individuals find the best possible solution for their misaligned teeth. Our specialists use their experience and judgment to help you find a solution that fixes your smile quickly and successfully. Contact one of our cosmetic dentistry specialists to learn more about what might work best for your specific needs.
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